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6 Benefits Of Overhead Crane Modernisation

February 16, 2024

Is it time your overhead crane was replaced with an upgraded version? 

Whether your business could benefit from increased lifting capacity, or if the components of your current crane are showing their age, there are many benefits that investing in a new crane can have.

Metreel supplies overhead cranes to businesses across the UK. When you work with us to modernise any outdated crane technology, these are some of the top advantages your business can experience. 

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Improved Safety

Safety is the number one priority of any business, especially when machinery such as cranes are required to lift, lower and reposition heavy loads. Upgrading an overhead crane may be necessary if repairs to an existing crane have become futile due to age, general wear and tear or sustained damage to the crane. In addition, if your current crane or lifting technology cannot safely lift the required loads, an upgrade is also due. 

two young engineers testing and checking the opera 2022 10 11 23 50 01 utc from Metreel

Increased Productivity 

With increased lifting capabilities comes the ability to scale your business. New cranes also offer more control over speed and precision, meaning you won’t be slowed down by outdated or inefficient technology. 

overhead crane modernisation from Metreel

Better Reliability 

When cranes are subject to constant downtime, this costs businesses money both in terms of the cost of getting the issue fixed along with lost productivity. Some maintenance should be expected with all machinery, but when it is a common occurrence upgrading is the best way to keep downtown to a minimum.  

SA57836 044 from Metreel

Energy Efficiency 

It’s no secret that newer machinery is built to be more energy efficient and this also includes new overhead cranes. If you are looking to replace a very old system, this could offer seismic reductions in the energy needed to power the crane. These reductions will then be passed on as reduced running costs for your business. 

4Ductorcrane 456 from Metreel

Reduced Maintenance Costs 

When a crane is newly built and installed, it will be free from age-related damage and defaults. In addition, newer cranes also use the latest technology and innovative design concepts. This means that you won’t have to constantly repair the crane which will reduce costs. So long as you perform regular crane maintenance, you will continue to reduce maintenance costs as you can identify and remedy any potential issues at the earliest point. 

Peace Of Mind 

Overhead cranes often perform very important tasks in terms of safely lifting and repositioning heavy loads. So if you want to stop worrying about the cost and hassle of carrying out constant repairs on your crane, or even having to stop using your crane due to defects, upgrading to a new crane will give you that reassurance.

Metreel – Shop Our Overhead Cranes UK

Is it time your business benefited from a new and improved overhead crane? 

Metreel is a leading UK supplier of overhead cranes serving a variety of industries such as warehouses, construction, manufacturing, engineering and transport.

Take a look at our full range of overhead cranes by downloading our product brochure.

Alternatively, you can also speak to us for some tailored advice by calling 0115 932 7010 or emailing us at [email protected].