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Do You Need Incident Reporting Software And How To Choose The Best One For Your Company

August 12, 2024

Employers must record and report work-related accidents to comply with RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013).

But as with most things, digital technology is paving the way for a faster and more efficient way of doing things, including the approach to incident reporting which can now be done through software rather than manual reporting. 

With safety being the most important aspect of any workplace, now has never been a better time to learn about the advancements in incident reporting, including the various tools that are now available. 

In today’s blog, the Metreel team will answer some key questions about incident reporting software to help you understand the benefits, along with what to look out for.

warehouse worker after an accident in the storage 2021 08 28 22 40 20 utc from Metreel

What Is Incident Reporting Software?

Incident reporting software is the name given to desktop or app-based tools that you can use to record information about safety incidents or concerns. 

The software will allow you to add essential details about things such as: 

  • Accidents
  • Concerns
  • Hazard reporting 
  • Ill health
  • Mental health
  • Near misses

Any reports will then be submitted, without having to fill out any paper forms as was traditionally the case. A digital record will also be available of the incident which can be accessed as needed. 

The data can also be used to create insights about safety incidents in your business, which can be very useful for conducting risk assessments. In addition, the root causes of incidents can be identified. It’s also possible to assign personnel to take any relevant next steps through the software too.

health and safety metreel

Is Incident Reporting Software A Legal Requirement?

Software isn’t required to report safety incidents, although The Health and Safety at Work, etc Act 1974 states that incidents must be reported in some form.

Alongside dangerous occurrences, incidents also include accidents and near misses and should detail whether or not the outcomes resulted in any injury, damage or disease. 

As there is a significant importance in recording not only the incident but also thorough details pertaining to the incident, the use of software can ensure a more diligent process. That’s because the software will ask a set of questions in relation to the incident, with users only able to submit reports that have been fully completed. 

Therefore, incident reporting software may offer a more satisfactory way for employers can comply with the legal obligation to report incidents, which ultimately creates efficiency and can also help reduce future incidents based on the data produced. 

What To Look Out For When Choosing Incident Reporting Software

Depending on where your company is based, it’s essential that any incident reporting software is geared towards your country of operation, including all applicable laws and regulations. 

For example, a product recommended on the GOV UK website is EcoOnline. UK-based employers can of course research other tools on the market, although a benefit of a government affiliation is that various vetting checks will have taken place to ensure compliance.

The software should also offer relevance for your industry since the potential safety risks of a construction job will differ from the hospitality industry. 

Access to support is also important, as is data protection. So while it’s easy to focus on the cheapest options out there, ultimately, the software should make it easier to record and also understand safety incidents in your workplace. 

Taking the time to read the reviews can help make the right decision for your business, as can consulting the applicable personnel within your team. 

Metreel – Discover Our Safety Solutions For Businesses

Metreel is a leading UK supplier of fall protection equipment, cranes and powerfeed equipment. 

Head over to our products page to learn more about the ways we can improve safety and productivity in your business. 

Or if you would like to speak to our sales team please 0115 932 7010 or fill out our contact form