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The Benefits Of Roof Safety Systems

August 24, 2023

‘Roof’ and ‘safety’ are two words that should always appear together, since falls from a height are consistently found to be the biggest killer of UK workers on the job.

In reality, there is no way to reverse time should a fall occur on your premises – especially a dangerous fall where safety measures that should have been in place were ignored. However, something all those who work at a height can do to protect themselves in the future is to wear a roof safety system.

Consisting of the likes of abseil equipment, access ladders and more – there are various ways to keep yourself or your team safe when working above ground level. 

To discover the benefits of roof safety systems for your team, keep on reading to learn more. 

What Are Examples Of Roof Safety (Fall Protection) Systems? 

safety harness 1500x1000 1 from Metreel

Need advice on the differences between each safety system? Contact us here at Metreel today. 

Health And Safety Compliance

Compliance with health and safety might not seem like a ‘fun’ benefit of roof safety equipment. But businesses who do take their responsibilities seriously will always fare better in the long run than those who don’t.

After all, health and safety measures aren’t put in place for fun – they could just save your life. Or at least, prevent the likelihood you will sustain serious injury just for carrying out your job. 

As per the Work at Height Regulations 2005, employers have a legal duty to ensure that the correct steps are taken to minimise injury or death due to falls from a height. 

Given the sobering statistic we mentioned above about falls killing more workers on the job than any other cause, this responsibility can’t be taken lightly. Ultimately, employers will be found at fault if their employees are not protected with both the relevant safety equipment, along with equipment that is in proper working order.

Improved Safety Culture Across Your Business 

Every step you take to demonstrate good safety measures in your business can have positive wider implications for your whole team, as well as your business. 

After all, no business wants to be associated with poor safety standards, both from an internal or external standpoint. Businesses that go one step further by appointing safety managers ensure that all team members have someone overseeing operations, thus reducing the likelihood of a flippant attitude towards safety. 

When staff know they are best protected from injury or death while at work, this can also create a positive sentiment among your team. It may also encourage longer tenures due to increased job satisfaction. 

No business wants to be paying more for insurance costs than is necessary. Likewise, legal payouts due to safety incidents.

While costs are far from the only incentive for wanting to improve safety, they inevitably will factor in should safety be ignored. 

The irony of skipping safety measures (including roof safety tools or equipment) to save money, is that the financial repercussions of any resulting injuries or deaths will always be much higher.

In short, businesses which invest in their safety equipment are less likely to face legal difficulties or increased insurance premiums, compared with those who don’t comply. 

Metreel – Roof Safety Equipment UK

Peace of mind is yet another benefit you and your entire team can benefit from when roof safety equipment is something your business invests in wherever it is required. 

Metreel supplies a range of safety equipment for working at a height, designed to protect your team from the very real dangers that falls, slips or trips present. Based in Derbyshire, we supply our products across the UK and beyond. 

To discover our full range of products please visit our product brochure page

Alternatively, if you’re ready to place an order or have any questions, please give us a call on 0115 932 7010 or email us at [email protected].