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Types of Fall Arrest Equipment: Harnesses, Shock Absorbers and Self-Retracting Lifelines

April 3, 2024

With falls from a height being the biggest killer of workers while on the job (HSE) — it has never been more important to protect your workforce from the potential for falls.

Some of the industries most at risk from falls from a height include construction, building maintenance, utilities, oil and gas, window cleaning, warehouses, roofing and manufacturing. 

As a leading UK supplier of fall arrest equipment, Metreel can help improve safety within your workplace.

Before you contact us for further advice, here is a general overview of fall arrest equipment and the various components involved. 

warehouse worker after an accident in the storage 2021 08 28 22 40 20 utc from Metreel

What Is Fall Arrest Equipment?

First, a quick refresher for anyone unsure of the differences between fall arrest and fall restraint equipment. Likewise, those new to fall arrest equipment in general. 

The word ‘arrest’ is key within fall arrest equipment, as the aim is to minimise the impact of a fall while it is taking place by reducing the force exerted on the body. Fall arrest systems are made up of harnesses, shock absorbers and self-retracting lifelines. 

While fall restraint equipment which looks to prevent a fall altogether is preferable, in some scenarios it is not plausible for fall restraint equipment to be used. Therefore, fall arrest systems offer a safety system in case a fall occurs, while also providing the benefit of ease of movement for workers, which may also be necessary for the task. 

Conducting a health and safety assessment is the best way to determine whether a fall restraint or fall arrest system is right for the application.   

fall protection equipment uk


Fall arrest harnesses are worn by workers for the purpose of holding the body in place after a fall. This ensures the workers cannot collide with the ground or other structures, because the harness is physically holding them in place. 

Harnesses must be inspected before each use and also worn correctly. When in proper use and working order, the harness will absorb the kinetic energy created by a fall to decelerate the fall. All while providing free movement for the worker enabling them to carry out their job.

a worker with climbing equipment serves a city tv 2023 11 27 04 52 30 utc from Metreel

Shock Absorbers

Also known as energy-absorbing lanyards, shock absorbers connect to the harness at the anchorage point. Offering high breakage strengths, shock absorbers are usually made from polyamide rope or webbing. 

Shock-absorbing lanyards typically have customisable lengths so that all working conditions can be accommodated, ensuring the correct amount of slack is maintained. 

A crucial point to note about shock-absorbing lanyards is that they should never be reused if they have been deployed. 

13 FallRestraint V1 from Metreel

Self-Retracting Lifelines

A fall arrest self-retracting lifeline is a retractable fall arrest device with a winch mechanism.  The ‘lifeline’ refers to the cable which is usually made from galvanised steel or synthetic rope, which extends and retracts depending on the movement of the worker. 

A self-retracting lifeline also incorporates a braking system that activates to stop the cable from extending further within an emergency situation. This mechanism is key to limiting the fall distance and preventing injury. 

Metreel – Purchase Fall Arrest Equipment UK 

Keen to find out more about how fall protection equipment, including fall arrest systems could work for your business? 

Metreel is a leading UK supplier of fall arrest and fall protection equipment. Based in Derbyshire, we supply our fall protection equipment across the UK. 

View our industrial solutions in full by downloading our product brochure

Alternatively, give us a call on 0115 932 7010 or email us at [email protected] to discuss your fall arrest or restraint requirements with our team.